
In this series, Stéphane Couturier explores, which was created over more than three years, in highly aesthetic and, at the same time, socially ambitious photos and videos, the “Climat de France” housing project – today called Oued Koriche – in Algier. Built-in the International Style in the 1950s and based on a design by French architect Fernand Pouillon, the ambitious project is now the centre of the Bab-El-Oued district. Today the housing project is a city within a city, forgotten by politicians and avoided by the police.

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Exhibited Works

Alger, Série Melting Babel-Oued n°2, 2015
C-print, framed
181 x 151 cm | 71 1/4 x 59 1/2 in
Ed.: 1/5

Alger, Bab-El-Oued n°2, 2013
C-print on diasec face
140 x 300 cm | 55 x 118 in
Ed.: 3/5

Alger, Série Melting Babel-Oued n°2, 2015
C-print, framed
181 x 151 cm | 71 1/4 x 59 1/2 in
Ed.: 1/5

Alger, Cité "Climat de France", Façade #5-02, 2013
C-print, framed
100 x 100 cm | 39 1/3 x 39 1/3 in
Ed.: 3/5

Alger, Baie d'Alger, Diar el Mahçoul, Céramique n°1, 2014
C-print, framed
80 x 80 cm | 31 1/2 x 31 1/2 in
Ed.: 4/8

About the artist