Texte: Petra Nies, Ingeborg Ruthe, Björn Vedder
Fotos: Gerhard Haug, Berlin, Klaus Michalek und Franziska Klotz
Layout & Design: Szim | www.szim.de | 2023

BUSCHFUNK at 68projects by KORNFELD, Berlin
Text: Larissa Kikol
Photos: Stefan Hähnel
Design: Szim | www.szim.de
Lithographie: Tabor Presse | 2023

Paris in Wonderland
Publisher - Paris Giachoustidis | 2023 | Text - Heinz-Norbert Jocks, Peter Ungeheuer | Photos - Gerhard Hauk |
Graphic Design - Nikos Goudas

Beauty and the Beast
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Russian Khizanishvili "Beauty and the Beast" Nov 5 2022 - Jan 7 2023, at Galerie Kornfeld, Berlin.
Published by: Ludvig Rage | Berlin | 2022 | 800 copies Limited Edition | Editor: Galerie Kornfeld

Celin 2022
Project: Giorgio Celin | 2022 | First Edition | Writers: Cecilia Monteleone, Hans Krestel, Jaider Orsini, Maria Gaia Redavid

Urlaub in Deutschland
Editor & Publisher: Paris Giachoustidis | Text Mamuka Bliadze | 15 images | 32 pages | 2021

Bilder ohne Namen
Stirring paintings, colourful picture collages made from countless scraps of paper, moving photo collages – the art of Tammam Azzam (b. 1980 in Damascus) is multi-faceted, political and topical. Text by Mamuka Bliadze and Avinoam Shalem Author. English / German
204 pages | 192 images | 26 × 29 cm | Hardcover | 2021

Published on the occasion of the award ceremony of the Kunstpreis der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Wirtschaft.
Hardcover, Hg. Dr. Dietrich Schulz-Kunststiftung und Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloss Gottorf | 2021 | 64 pages

An Artist's Life
Published by: Hirmer Verlag GmbH | Munich | Editors: Galerie Kornfeld, Berlin | Authors: Mamuka Bliadze, Gaston Bouatchidzé, Giorgi Laliashvili, Eter Shavgulidze, Marleen Stoessel | Editing: Tilman Treusch | 2020

Exhibition Catalogue
Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Zu Gast im Orangerieschloss", supporting programme for the congress "Historical Gardens and Society. Culture – Nature – Responsibility“, organised by the Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg (SPSG)
Sept./Oct. 2020 | 60 pages | 49 images

Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Franziska Klotz: Ölregen" at Q Galerie Schorndorf, Mar–Apr 2019, Texts by Gerald Matt, Karin Schulze and Stefanie Grünes | 60 pages | 43 images | Q Galerie für Kunst, Schorndorf

Narziss und Goldgrund
Hubertus Hamm explores the parameters of photography in his works. A central subject in his work is the intense and at times critical preoccupation with the photographic portrait, which culminates in the work "Portrait IV" from 2016. For art historian Thomas Zaunschirm, this installation, is his "epochal work": a wooden stele with the first golden mirror in art history. "The minimalist, simple-looking work is, on the one hand, an effort to expand the boundaries of photography.
236 pages | 16.7 x 3 x 22.7 cm | 2018

Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Lebensguss | Marc Krepp" at Galerie Kornfeld and 68projets Berlin, Nov 2018–Jan 2019, Texts by Christoph Breitwieser, Ingeborg Ruthe, Wieland Förster and Johannes Lauter | 48 pages | 43 images | Galerie Kornfeld, Berlin

In Georgien
He paints en plein air with his bare hands on large-scale canvases - Christopher Lehmpfuhl is obsessed, his painting a veritable natural phenomenon. In the summer of 2017, he travelled through Georgia to capture this fascinating country between the mountains of the Caucasus, the wine-growing region of Kakheti, and the modern capital Tbilisi.
Publisher: Wienand Verlag | 2018 | 87 pages

Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Tammam Azzam" at Galerie Kornfeld, Sep–Oct 2018 | Texts by Ralf Hanselle, Dr. Heinz Stahlhut and Dr. Tilman Treusch | 48 pages | 34 images | Galerie Kornfeld, Berlin

Exhibition Catalogue
The three women artists presented here – Rusudan Khizanishvili, Tamara Kvesitadze and Natela Grigalashvili – strive to maintain the Georgian way of life by also transforming it. The King Is Female presents the works of these three artists in the context of family traditions and historical customs in their homeland.
Author: Nina Mdivani | Prologue by Alfred Kornfeld | 127 pages | 14,5 x 23 cm | 2018

Dimensioning Photography
Inspired by the operation of adding new dimensions to allow complex problems to be understood, he seeks to redraw the limits of photography's representational capacity beyond the moment of exposure and the flatness of two dimensions. The publication consolidates a number of individual works and ensembles in which Hamm brings this position, which evolved in over forty years of creative and experimental photographic practice, into sharp relief.
276 pages | 2017

Stéphane Couturier
Monograph including a retrospective of Stephane Couturier’s works and two essays. Texts in French and English.
Publisher: Éditions Xavier Barral | Brochure | 208 pages | 114 color images | 2016

Catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition in the Maison Européenne de la Photographie Paris.
Publisher: Éditions Loco | Brochure | 56 pages | 24 images | 2015

Marge de Liberté
Susanne Roewer and Daniel Orson Ybarra: Marge de Liberté
Catalogue to the exhibition at the Abanico Foundation in Geneva (CH), published by Böhland&Schremmer Verlag Berlin.
Hardcover | 32 pages | 29 images | With text in French, German and English by Lynn Seraina Battaglia. | 2015

Franziska Klotz
On the occasion of the first solo exhibition of Franziska Klotz in the Galerie Kornfeld in April 2013 we created a catalogue in collaboration with the art book publishing house Nicolai Verlag, Berlin.
Hardcover | 24,5 x 28 cm | 80 pages | 66 color images | German and English text

Tamara Kvesitadze
On the occasion of the first solo show by Tamara Kvesitadze in Germany we published a catalog with texts by Susanne Altmann, specialist for Eastern European art and writer for the German magazine ART, and French scholar, critic and writer Marc Lenot.
Softcover | 22 x 30 cm | 32 pages | 30 images | English text | 2013

Catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition of Iankoshvili (1918-2007). Texts by Mamuka Bliadze, Lia Chavchavadze, Savva Dangulov, Gaia Serena Simionati and Dennis Goldberg.
Editor: Galerie Kornfeld | Kehrer Verlag | 2012 | 24,5 x 32 cm | 112 pages | 71 images | German/English | 2012

Berlin Plein Air Malerei 1995-2010
Publisher: Dom Publishers | Berlin | 2011 | Brochure | 456 pages